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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

Policies & other important documents


Carlisle and Hampton Hill Federation: Written statement of behaviour principles

The purpose of this statement is to outline the principles that the Governing Body expects to be detailed in the Carlisle and Hampton Hill Federation Behaviour Policy.

The Federation’s behaviour principles are designed to create a caring and safe environment where children can flourish. The behaviour habits instilled will contribute to a child’s well-being and achievement in secondary school and beyond.​

The Principles:

  • Every child understands they, and those around them, have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others
  • All pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination
  • Staff and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times
  • Rewards, consequences and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, and in line with the behaviour policy
  • The behaviour policy is understood by pupils and staff 
  • Pupils are helped to understand and take responsibility for their actions
  • Families are involved in the resolution of behaviour incidents in order to foster good relationships between school and the pupil's home life
  • The behaviour policy makes clear that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances
  • The behaviour policy explains that exclusions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in the use of permanent exclusions and fixed-term suspensions
This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the governing board every two years.

Policy document: Anti-Bullying Policy (autumn 2022)

Policy document: Federation Behaviour Policy (summer 2023)

Policies and important documents

Use the links below to download copies of our policies and other important documents. All documents are Federation wide (they apply to both infant and junior schools) unless explicitly stated otherwise. These documents are regularly reviewed by our governor committees to ensure they are fully implemented and are kept up to date.

Acceptable Use of IT Policy (summer 2022)

Accessibility Policy and Plan (autumn 2022)

Adverse Weather Conditions - CIS (May 2022)

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy (autumn 2022)

Anti-Racism Policy (Spring 2023)

Assessment and Marking Policy (summer 2022)

Best Value Policy (spring 2020)

Best Value Statement (spring 2020)

Charging and Remissions Policy (summer 2022)

Complaints Procedure 2023

Data Protection Policy (autumn 2023)

Data Privacy Notice - Parents/Carers (autumn 2023)

Data Privacy Notice - Pupils (autumn 2023)

Data Privacy Notice - Staff (autumn 2023)

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy (December 2023)

ECT (Early Career Teacher) Policy (autumn 2023)

Equality & Inclusion Guidance (autumn 2021)

Equality & Inclusion Policy (autumn 2021)

Federation Equality Objective (2023-2026)

Financial Risk Assessment Policy (spring 2022)

Fire Safety Guidance & Policy (summer 2021)

Freedom of Information Policy (summer 2020)

Governors' Code of Conduct (autumn 2022)

Governors' Expenses Policy (autumn 2020)

Health & Safety Policy (autumn 2023)

Homework Guidance Policy (autumn 2022)

Intimate Care Policy (September 2023)

Lettings Policy (spring 2022)

Managing & Monitoring Contractors Guidance & Policy (summer 2021)

Manual Handling (summer 2021)

Parent Code of Conduct (autumn 2021)

Personal, Social, Health Education & Relationship Sex Education Policy - HHJS (summer 2021)

Personal, Social, Health Education & Relationship Sex Education Policy - CIS (Autumn 2023)

Recovery and Spending Plan (autumn 2020)

Remote Learning Policy (autumn 2022)

Safeguarding and Child Protection policy Jan 2024 update

Safer Recruitment Policy 2023

Scheme for Financing Schools (spring 2021)

School Fund Policy (summer 2022)

Schools Financial Regulations (spring 2019)

Social Media and Mobile Phone Policy (summer 2022)

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (Summer 2024)

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy (Autumn 2020)

Whistleblowing Policy (autumn 2023)

Work at Height (summer 2021)

Governance documents:

Governor Code of Conduct (autumn 2022)

Instrument of Government (autumn 2016)